Time difference Cuba

There is a 6-hour time difference between France and Cuba. When it is 6 pm in Paris, it is 12 am in Havana. It is important to know that Cuba applies, as in France, the change from summer time to winter time (and vice versa), but not exactly at the same dates. Thus, twice a year (for 10 days the first time and 5 days the second time), the difference between Paris and Havana is only 5 hours.

Opening hours Cuba

To see / To do Cuba

Museums and cultural institutes in Havana, Santiago de Cuba and other major Cuban cities are generally open from 9:00 a.m. and close around 5:00 p.m., or even a little later, depending on the establishment. Natural and urban sites are accessible at all hours.

Take a break Cuba

Bakeries, cafeterias and ice cream shops are usually open all day, until 7, 8, 9 or even later. However, there are no set rules here and to avoid going out of your way, it's best to make a quick phone call. Bars usually open during the day, but tend to fill up when the sun goes down, i.e. around 6-7pm, and close around 1 or 2am, sometimes later.

Get out Cuba

In Cuba, if there are obviously discotheques, which are very popular on weekends, it is rather in the musical bars that one goes out at night. If almost every city has its Casa de la Música (or even several), its Casa de la Trova and/or its Casa de la Cultura (the programming is generally very good), other places, some old and known, others new and ephemeral, are to be discovered here and there! These spaces are generally open from the end of the day until 2 or 3 am (also on Sunday afternoon for the Casas de la Música). The discotheques are generally open until 6am.