Time difference Mauritania

During the six months when France applies summer time, when it is 12:00 in Mauritania, it is 14:00 in France. In winter, 12:00 in Nouakchott corresponds to 13:00 in Paris.

Opening hours Mauritania

To see / To do Mauritania

Administrations, banks and some businesses apply the principle of continuous day and are open from 7am to 4pm.

Enjoying yourself Mauritania

Most addresses, restaurants or cafes, bakeries, etc., are open all day. Some are closed on Fridays, the day of prayer, but this does not apply to the whole territory.

Take a break Mauritania

In Mauritania, you will learn patience! If the addresses have in general an important time amplitude, on the other hand the haste is not welcome there. But the welcome, although sometimes a little indolent, is always warm! Don't forget that Friday is a day of prayer: this means that some places will be closed that day, in whole or in part.