Time difference Mozambique

There is not much of a time difference between France and Mozambique, if any at all half the year. At winter time, when it is 6pm in France, it is 7pm in Mozambique.

Opening hours Mozambique

To see / To do Mozambique

In Mozambique, we live by the rhythm of the sun and the tides for the visits of the islands. The schedules are far from being a source of stress and remain rather flexible, except for the departure of boats, it is necessary to remain in the possible slot. Museums may be closed on Sundays or Mondays, like everywhere else, and the hours are the same as those of offices and stores, generally from 8:30 am to 5 pm.

Enjoying yourself Mozambique

At the restaurant, the services are usually between noon and 2pm, then from 6:30/7pm until 9pm. Some bars-restaurants serve late at night in Maputo but it is really a rarity! Remember to choose your table around 6 pm, the time to prepare yourself, to get there and to dine on time because it is often impossible to get in after 8:30 pm. To eat on the run, there is no real time in the local market canteens during the day.

Take a break Mozambique

Many cafés located in parks or in the city center are open early in the morning from breakfast and close around 6pm after snack time. Most bars, on the other hand, stay open until 2am, some even until 4am on weekends.

(To) please yourself Mozambique

The stores are generally open from Monday to Saturday, from 9 am to 6:30 or 7 pm.

Get out Mozambique

Traditional bars and concert halls close at midnight or 2am. Night bars and discos close at 4 or 6 am.