Time difference Zambia

Zambia is located at GMT+2. There is no time difference in the summer, but you will have to advance your watch by one hour if you travel in winter.

Opening hours Zambia

To see / To do Zambia

Museums or sites of visits can be opened quite early but never too late, between 8 am and 5 or 6 pm.

Enjoying yourself Zambia

Be careful, in Zambia we eat at English time, so early. Don't be tempted to fast for not anticipating the closing of restaurants. Most restaurants close after 9:30 pm. During the day, there are places that are open non-stop, especially in the malls. In the morning, cafés are open early (from 7am).

Take a break Zambia

Cafés are open very early in the morning and close around 5pm. Bars usually close around midnight or 2am.

(To) please yourself Zambia

Stores are generally open from 9am to 7pm from Monday to Saturday. The artisanal markets follow the same schedule but are usually open on Sundays as well.

Get out Zambia

Bars and clubs are generally open late, until 4 or 5 am. Concerts take place around 7 or 8 pm in cafés, bars or theaters.