Time difference Ghana

The Greenwich meridian passes through the port city of Tema, so Ghana is in the same time zone as Great Britain (GMT). There is very little time difference between Ghana and France. To set your watch on arrival in Accra, allow :

- 2 hours during summer time in France. Example: 8am in Accra, 10am in Paris.

- 1 hour during winter time in France. Example: 7am in Accra, 8am in Paris.

Opening hours Ghana

To see / To do Ghana

Leaving aside Ghana's public squares and natural spaces (which have no opening/closing times), most of Ghana's sites of tourist interest - namely museums and ancient buildings (mostly forts) - open around 9.30am and close around 5pm/6pm max.

Enjoying yourself Ghana

Most of the restaurants, maquis and more international restaurants, are generally open every day for lunch and dinner, sometimes without interruption between lunch and dinner.

Take a break Ghana

Bars and cafés are generally open all day from 8 or 9 am, until 10-11 pm, or even later for some. It is worth noting that some bars in the capital (which also offer some grilled dishes) organize concerts by local bands almost every day.

(To) please yourself Ghana

Opening and closing hours are very flexible in Ghana. Some shops are open continuously (8:00-8:30 to 16:30-17:00), others close at lunch time (between 12:00-12:30 and 14:30-15:00).

Get out Ghana

In Accra and in Ghana's tourist sites in general, clubs and discos open around 11pm, fill up around 1am on weekends and stay open until the wee hours!