Local history and culture
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It is the original place where the fetish priests met. The two cheese trees, one representing the male principle and the other the female principle, are surrounded by white cloths that make the place sacred. It is here that ceremonies are held to celebrate the birth of several children from the same birth. This ritual takes place on the eighth day of birth. And the belief says that any pregnant woman passing near this place can give birth to twins!

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Local history and culture

The district of Xétsiavi has two very beautiful fetishes. The female fetish is located on the convent square. Its mission is to watch over the protection of children. Just in front of it is a sacred stone that has the power to stop the rain. To do this, the inhabitants must make offerings and pour gin, red oil and a mixture of water and corn on the stone. A little further on is the male fetish, which heals and makes the rain fall. In the Galapé neighborhood, the fetish of the neighborhood can be seen, to which sacrifices are offered.

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Local history and culture

Right by the lake is the village square where voodoo ceremonies are held in September. According to tradition, in order to chase away the evil spirits from their homes, the inhabitants swept their houses and placed the rubbish in a corn leaf, which was then thrown out of the town. The square is also used for traditional judgements. It is said to be charged with such a mystical force that it would annihilate all powers. It was in this square that slaves were gathered to be sold and sent to the colonial empires.

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Local history and culture

It is necessary to ask for an audience with the chief of Kparatao to be able to visit the place. It is preferable at this level to be accompanied by a guide who knows the habits and customs. The chief still reigns over the Tem, which are spread over Benin, Togo and Ghana. He settles many social conflicts and administers justice. He will entrust you to a guide who will open the doors of the houses where the tombs of the warriors and some antiquities of the time are located.

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Local history and culture

About 8 km east of Natchamba, it is possible to visit a traditional Konkonba chiefdom. Once a warrior people, this ethnic group is now known for being a great producer of yams. You can ask to meet the chief for an interview. You will learn more about the organization of this chiefdom. Behind the reception hall are some beautifully painted huts. Don't forget to bring a present to the chief.

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