Time difference Ivory Coast

The entire territory of Côte d'Ivoire lives on GMT (Greenwich Mean Time); that is, when it is noon in Côte d'Ivoire, it is one hour later in France, Belgium or Switzerland, and two hours later when these countries are on daylight saving time (there is no time change in Africa).

Opening hours Ivory Coast

To see / To do Ivory Coast

Generally speaking, in Africa and Côte d'Ivoire, daily life begins at the first light of dawn. In large cities, due to transport, shops open and close a little later than in medium-sized towns. For shops, opening and closing hours are approximately as follows: between 7:30 and 9 am in the morning, between 5 pm and 7 pm in the evening, some shops such as supermarkets remain open until 8 pm and beyond. Banks generally operate during the day (8am to 2pm or 3pm), and most services and administrations close around 4pm. An Ivorian or expatriate worker's day usually ends between 5 and 6 pm.

Enjoying yourself Ivory Coast

Consider the opening days and times, as well as the establishments' tariffs as indicative, as this type of data is subject to (sometimes untimely) changes and (particularly) variable geometry in Abidjan. Of course, as everywhere else in the world when it comes to lunch or dinner in fancy or fashionable restaurants (especially at weekends, but also at lunchtime in the Plateau, where many establishments are taken over by the workers and managers of the business centre), think about making reservations, especially during holiday periods such as Christmas, New Year's Eve or.. Valentine's Day, which is very popular in the Ivory Coast.
As for the maquis, calling half an hour in advance to place your order can be useful and save you from waiting too long. Once there, all you have to do is put your feet under the table and wait for your food to arrive while enjoying a cold beer to whet your appetite. Concerning the Ivorian cuisine, it is good to know that the waiting time can vary considerably depending on the dish chosen. Grilled and braised dishes, for example, take much longer to prepare than sauces (seed, peanut, leaf, etc.). An informed gourmet is worth two.

Take a break Ivory Coast

Cafés in major cities are open during the day and close at around 5pm, while bars are open non-stop during the day and very late at night, often depending on crowds. The party is omnipresent in the Ivorian maquis open late at night.

(To) please yourself Ivory Coast

The usual opening hours of the shops are similar to those in France, they may close a little earlier for some around 6pm. Good plans are to go to villages of craftsmen specializing in one type of manufacture (pottery, weavers, blacksmiths, etc.), which are mostly present in the countryside and read particularly in the north of the country, in the Sénoufo region. It is necessary to go there during the day to see the craftsmen at work. Abidjan abounds in shops of creators, designers and fashion concept stores that it would be a pity not to visit to bring back beautiful souvenirs and gifts.

Get out Ivory Coast

If the restaurants close around midnight, there is no real closing time for the clubs, the party lasts until the end of the night as long as the track is lively! There is a lot of people, Ivorians love to party and go out in all the cities of the country.