Time difference Cape Verde

The time difference with France is -2 hours from November to March. When it's noon in France, it's 10 a.m. in this zone. This time difference increases to - 3 hours from April to October.

To be more precise, summer time changes on the last Sunday in March, and winter time on the last Sunday in October.

Opening hours Cape Verde

To see / To do Cape Verde

Museum opening times are quite variable, so it's best to consult the website directly to avoid any surprises. For example, the Praia Ethnographic Museum is open from 8am to 6pm, with a 2-hour lunch break. Stores open on weekdays and Saturdays, generally between 9am and 6pm. Banks (BAI, BCN) are open every morning between 8am and 3pm (Banco do Cabo Verde until 4pm). Post offices are open weekdays between 8am and 4.30pm, and on Saturday mornings, as are the Plateau and Achada Santo Antonio branches in central Praia.

Enjoying yourself Cape Verde

Dining options vary from one island to another, and even from one village to another. This also applies to the hours, and in some places, you can eat at any time. It is not uncommon to see Cape Verdeans sitting down in restaurants in the morning to have breakfast. Also, many establishments have the habit of opening relatively early to serve the famous cachupa, in all the islands, including in more touristy areas like Sal. Restaurants serving more specific cuisine, such as pizzerias, French cuisine or churrasquerias, will open at more traditional hours, from noon for lunch. Let's not forget that the locals love to travel on weekends with their families or groups, to spend long hours at the table (especially if there is a buffet), especially on the beach. This quickly gives the place a very festive atmosphere, if there is music, and there is a good chance that this is the case.

Take a break Cape Verde

A little gourmet break is a must when you're exploring Praia or Mindelo, or after a long walk on the beach, just to recharge your batteries. You're sure to find a patisserie, ice-cream parlour or snack bar offering sweet treats close to your destination. These establishments are usually open all afternoon, so that everyone can enjoy them at their own pace. A good cup of locally-produced coffee accompanied by bolachas or a pastel de nata, and that's it!

(To) please yourself Cape Verde

Most stores are open Monday to Friday from 8am to 12:30pm and from 3pm to 7pm, and on Saturday from 9am to 1pm. This applies in particular to the major chains and stores in town and in shopping malls. In tourist hotspots, on islands such as Sal, close to resorts, store opening hours are much more flexible, and shops sometimes stay open all day non-stop, to cater for holidaymakers.

Get out Cape Verde

In Cape Verde, we like to go out in the evening and take advantage of all the places that offer music. In restaurants, bands usually start at the same time as dinner to accompany it. But there are also clubs and pubs that specialize in live music, where people go even later to share festive moments. Between happy hours and dance parties, the nightlife is especially developed in the cities and on the tourist island of Sal or in Mindelo, often even within hotels or large complexes. From 11pm onwards, it's the best time to look for the lively place you're looking for. All you have to do is listen and follow the sound or movement. After that, the night is yours...