Property manager
3 reviews

The syndic of co-ownership has set itself the objective of assisting all co-owners and ensuring the continuity of the buildings. Small buildings or large ensembles provide all their care to preserve your quality of life through complete management, perfectly adapted to your needs. Indeed, the company is committed to taking care of all the necessary steps to preserve and administer your property (technical constraints for maintenance and improvement of your housing to legal and financial matters). Agestis adheres to the FNAIM (National Real Estate Federation) guarantee fund which provides homeowners with the return of funds paid.

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 Toulouse, 31200


Property manager
1 review

Oralia Lapierre of the Two banks is an agency of Oralia, a real Estate Management Specialist. This agency accompanies its customers in all matters relating to real estate, including rentals. At what price? What are the regulatory obligations for an owner? How do I determine taxable land income? So many questions to which professionals do more than answer, since it supports all management. Transparency and serenity are guaranteed to customers who can entrust their assets with confidence.

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 Bordeaux, 33000


Property manager
1 review

Securing rental income in the event of no tenant, unpaid rent, real estate damage, is what Elience guarantees. The group has five agencies, one in Bordeaux. Entrusting the property to Elience means entrusting the business processes, the choice of the tenant and the follow-up to professionals. The company guarantees you serenity and discharge the administrative tasks, while maintaining a close link with the owner, in the case of work for example, the quotes are presented with work.

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 Bordeaux, 33100


Property manager
Concierge service for owners of short-term rental properties (welcoming ... Read more
 Sarlat-La-Canéda, 24200


Property manager

ABEC Immobilier has been an active agency for years on Bordeaux. Specialized in real estate management, but also deals with sales and rentals. This agency provides advice and assistance to its clients, thanks to real estate specialists. Rental of diffuse assets, whole buildings, ABEC Immobilier ensures expertise and follow-up for all situations.

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 Bordeaux, 33000


Property manager

For rental management, the Immo de France Aquitaine offers a team of professionals interested in the interest of its customers. This agency manages about 1 500 lots, so experience does not fail. This company therefore offers several services in the management of real property and guarantees secure income. It also provides coverage for unpaid rent, damage, and legal protection in case of litigation. In case of empty accommodation, the rent is covered up to six me after the departure of the last tenant.

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 Bordeaux, 33000


Property manager

The real property manager may be responsible for the management of the property of an owner, whether it be special, property, institutional or other investors. He is then called a rental manager. He may also be responsible for the management of property entrusted to him by co-owners, then he is called the administrator of condominium or trustee. So if you want to rent one of your property in Toulouse without taking care of it, contact the DCM Real Estate Agency. It evaluates for you the possible amount of rent, the management of possible work before or after the rental. Other passports for your peace of mind, it assures the states of the sites, the possible collection steps to guarantee you the payment of all your rents and help you with your tax returns and all your other administrative procedures.

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 Toulouse, 31200


Property manager

The realty agency Immo de France is particularly well located in Toulouse, in the vicinity of the subway lines A and B. Here you can enjoy the best advice for buying, selling, renting or investing in the pink city. Be aware that this agency is also responsible for rental management and serves as a trustee for co-ownership in order to plan the work and maintenance of your building. Do not hesitate to contact the agency if you are looking to buy or sell a property.

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 Toulouse, 31000


Property manager

This family estate agency specializes in the rental of property and property management in Toulouse. It is very well established in its neighbourhood, in the heart of Saint-Cyprien and each family member takes charge of a particular sector: rental, sale, management. You will appreciate the organization of this agency and the advice that is given here without moderation.

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 Toulouse, 31300


Property manager

Are you interested in keeping your assets mastered, in choosing your tenants, and directly deciding on key questions about your property? As everyone knows,' well-being'is, above all, the need for a good command of knowledge in very different sectors so as to prevent small mistakes from becoming big difficulties. On-line management has offered you an original and economical service since 2010. It is you who keep control of the management of your assets (work, tenants'choice…) while giving this company the administrative, accounting and legal tasks that are too heavy to manage.

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Real estate agency

This real estate firm offers new homes and apartments on Toulouse and its surroundings (Cornebarrieu, Balma, Cugnaux, Quint Fonsegrives) and real estate properties. In particular, you will find support for real estate transactions, for the marketing of new programs in principal residence, for rental investment products, for tax deductibility, for real estate management, for financing and mortgage mortgage brokerage. 

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 Toulouse, 31400


Real estate agency

The firm Foncia Capitol has been welcoming you for more than 15 years in the heart of the city and meets all your needs in rental and rental management, as well as buying, selling and renting. This firm is the heir of Toulouse companies known as the administration of property, and in particular the name of Groc who marked the real estate of the city, is inseparably attached to them. With expert knowledge of the heritage and local market, they combine the professional methods and the effectiveness of a strongly established brand in the great Southwest and throughout France.

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 Toulouse, 31000