Coffee shop and tea room

TST, for Teh Susu Telur (tea milk egg), traditionally strong black tea is brewed, then mixed with condensed or sweetened milk for a creamy base). An energizing drink, according to the many regulars of all ages who frequent this establishment! You'll just have to try it... A great place to make lots of new friends! The place also offers a wide range of evening snacks and drinks, including satay, fried rice, burgers, kebabs, martabak, toast and chicken penyet.

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Coffee shop and tea room

This century-old establishment is a legend in Medan. Founded in 1922, it is renowned for its Sidikalang coffee, accompanied by charcoal-grilled toast topped with peanut butter or jam, and soft-boiled eggs leTelur, Roti dan Kopi. A trip back in time, when businessmen gathered to exchange ideas over a coffee break. As this is a fairly touristy place, you may have to wait a little while for a seat. Very old school. Very authentic.

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