Time difference Bali

It is 7 hours later in winter in Bali and only 6 hours later in summer. When it is noon in France, it is therefore 7pm in Bali in winter and 6pm in summer

Opening hours Bali

To see / To do Bali

As for the hours, most of the temples are open every day, with times that are approximately between 7am and 6pm - that is, sunrise/sunset.

Take a break Bali

Chill spots for a break often close early, around sunset. Popular places with a good view are worth booking in high season or coming early.

(To) please yourself Bali

Offices and administrations are generally open Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. or from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and on Fridays from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Some offices are sometimes open on Saturdays until noon. Stores in shopping malls are generally open until 9:00 p.m. Smaller shops or boutiques in town offer their products until late in the evening (10 or 11 pm). Finally, you will find in the conurbation Kuta / Legian / Seminyak or in large urban centers, small supermarkets (type K Mart) open 24/24 and 7 / 7

Get out Bali

Some corners of the island are famous for partying, and don't worry about the hours, they close late! The discos do not have forced closing hours, so it can vary a lot depending on the season and the place.