Gardener Pruner

Under a light architecture, assembling translucent pavilions, giant serres, you will take pleasure in shopping for seeds, plans, plants, shrubs, trees between which, in the light of the day, you are walking easily. The store lives, above all. Apart from its specialities, the roses and fruit trees, it follows the fashion very closely (example of the very «trend» phalaenopsis, species of orchids of the poor), which makes it possible to attract a young clientele interested in the contact of the earth. It melts in the crowd of the "junkies", sometimes perfectionists, who do not design a garden without its decoration which has here the widest local assortment of shelters, barbecues, furniture, porticos and heating lamps. The pet pet was split in 2: animal feed separates fish from mammals and birds. You find rats and ferrets, but also octodons. It's well known, you can enjoy parrots without having the means of a nabob (Amazonie Amazon: 2 300 €). Be aware that you can pay your rare bird in 4 times free of charge. We especially love its gift shop with its candles, crafts and local products… On Sundays, the atmosphere is special, and Delbard transforms into a walk where you exchange and chat in a good mood. Don't forget to go there at Christmas time. The boutique is a beautiful part of the original decorations and creates a unique décor each year for the magic of this year of the year!

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