Time difference Rajasthan

There is a 3.5 hour time difference between Paris and Jaipur in winter and a 4.5 hour time difference in summer. India is on a single time zone and all cities in the country are on the same time. There is no switch from winter to summer time in the country.

Opening hours Rajasthan

To see / To do Rajasthan

Shops are open 7 days a week, from 10am to 8pm for boutiques, from 8am to 10pm for small local shops. Banks and administrations are open from Monday to Friday, from 10am to 2pm. Reservation offices in train stations are open from Monday to Saturday from 8am to 8pm and on Sunday from 8am to 2pm. In small stations, there is sometimes a break at 10am for chai and lunch.

Enjoying yourself Rajasthan

The restaurants are open 7 days a week, most often with continuous service from 8am to 10pm for the small restaurants. The more elegant restaurants are open for lunch and dinner, between 12 and 3 pm and 6:30 and 11 pm, or even longer.

Take a break Rajasthan

With the exception of Delhi, Agra and Jaipur, nightlife is limited to a minimum. In these cities, you will find trendy bars, where the music is often pushed to the limit. They open around 4pm and close around midnight or later. In Delhi, there is a 24/7 bar called Kitty Su.

In medium-sized cities, you can find places to have a beer, often small restaurants for western tourists.

In the villages, nightlife is non-existent and people go to bed early.

(To) please yourself Rajasthan

Stores generally open from 10am to 8pm and are open 7 days a week. Smaller shops may have longer opening hours.

Get out Rajasthan

Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), the organization in charge of the operation and maintenance of national monuments, organizes Sound and Light shows on some monuments. This is notably the case at the Red Fort in Delhi or the one in Agra. The shows take place in the early evening (around 7:30 pm) and there is always a session in English.