Shrines and pilgrimage sites to visit

The sanctuary is located 17 km east of Yabelo (follow the signs). However, the park office - an obligatory stopover - is located in the town. Originally created to protect the Swayne's hartebeest, the sanctuary has become a popular spot for Burchell's zebra. In addition to these two species, the 2,496 km2 acacia savannah habitat is home to kudu, gerenuk, dik-dik and Grant's gazelle, as well as some 194 bird species. It is possible to camp near the park gate in a dedicated area, but you need to bring everything with you and pay the tax at the office beforehand.

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Religious buildings

The island of Tullu Guddu is home to the ruins of the original monastery which, according to local legend, welcomed the Ark of the Covenant as it fled from Aksum in the 9th century. It is now inhabited only by a few raccoons. You'll pass through picturesque villages on the island and come across fishermen on their papyrus boats, the tankwa. The priest who shows you around the new church (of little interest) is loquacious about Ethiopia's Christian history. A museum houses some famous holy books, beautifully illuminated and over seven hundred years old.

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 Lac Ziway