
Beautiful rooms from prehistoric times. Very good explanatory panels. Finally, a masterpiece of ancient art dated the end of the th century. The Mosaïque mosaic was discovered in a villa in the town of Mariamin in Jebel Ansarié. Six women are represented playing musical instruments (castanets, flute, organ, rattlesnakes). A unique document on the music of the time.

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The. Tablettes, the military art and the currencies of the Lattakia museum are not looking for masterpieces. Most of the excavations are exhibited either at the Damascus museum or at the Aleppo Museum. Here the main interest lies in the place itself (a former caravanserai to the beautiful vaults), whose upper floor, built under the French mandate, housed the governor of the state of the Alawi. The large number of columns of columns crammed into a corner of the garden betrays the importance of Lattakia in antiquity. The garden of the museum is a pleasant break in the midst of lush vegetation, the only possible green stop to Lattakia without gardens.

The museum's rooms are located on the ground Floor and do not hesitate to push the wooden doors that give them access.

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 Lattaquie - Lazakia



An interesting museum that brings together collections from various eras, prehistoric, classical and Muslim.

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The large, almost square courtyard of the khan serves long galleries that house a collection of mosaics, stelas and sarcophagi of Apamea and its region. Built by the Ottomans, this caravanserai served as accommodation for pilgrims on the road to Mecca. Among the hosting steps that remain in Syria, it is certainly the most impressive. The chimneys of the galleries are there to remind you of the severity of winter. The courtyard also houses a large arlon collection.

Past the door door, a visit will be carried out clockwise. By entering left in the first gallery, you will discover two beautiful mosaics among the beautiful collection of the museum.

Socrates and the sages (basement of the eastern Cathedral, circa 362 m. ). Socrates, in the centre, dominates an assembly of six other important but unidentified characters. This mosaic reveals the presence in Apamea of a traditional school of néoplatonicienne philosophy.

The judgment of the Néréïdes (basement of the Cathedral of the East, approx. ). The scene depicts a beauty contest between Néréïdes and Thétis on the one hand, Cassiopeia on the other. Cassiopeia, naked, on the far right, wins the competition. She receives the crown from a victory. Each character is légendé in Greek.

The mosaics come from the site of Huarte, 15 km north of Apamea. See in this part, the long panel which consists of two distinct scenes. Three compositions depicting two lions and a lion fighting their prey, and a man leading two mules with a stretcher.

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 Apamee - Afamia