Time difference Bavaria

Like France, Switzerland and Belgium, Germany is at GMT+1. No time difference is required if you come from one of these countries.

Opening hours Bavaria

To see / To do Bavaria

On average, Bavarian museums are open from 10am to 6pm. In low season, opening times are often reduced. Museums and attractions in Bavaria generally close on Mondays, and more rarely on Tuesdays. Munich's museums each have their own nocturne day, when they stay open until 8 or 8.30pm. Museums often have different opening times on public holidays. Check their websites to avoid any surprises.

Public holidays vary from state to state in Germany. Bavaria has 13 public holidays a year, making it the state with the most. Its calendar essentially follows Catholic celebrations.

January1: New Year's Day.

January 6: Epiphany

Good Friday (date varies).

Easter Monday (date varies).

May1: Labor Day.

Ascension Day, 40 days after Easter.

Whit Monday (date varies).

Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi Day (date varies).

August 8: Hohes Friedenfest (Augsburg only!)

August 15: Assumption Day.

October 3: German Unity Day, national holiday.

November1: All Saints' Day.

December 25: Christmas Day.

December 26:2nd Christmas Day.

Museums are generally open even on public holidays. However, opening times are subject to change. It depends on the institution. If you plan to visit a museum on one of these 13 days, please refer to the information available on the respective websites. A small curiosity of Germany's decentralized system: since the 17th century, the city of Augsburg has had one more public holiday than any other Bavarian city: August 8 is a day to celebrate peace.

Enjoying yourself Bavaria

Gourmet restaurants are open evenings and sometimes for lunch. Traditional restaurants rarely had an afternoon closing time, so you can eat at any time of day. In the countryside, it's best to find a table before 8pm.

Take a break Bavaria

Unless they're also restaurants, cafés close fairly early, around 6pm. Biergärten ( singular:Biergarten ), or beer gardens, are only open on sunny days.

(To) please yourself Bavaria

Sunday is closing day for stores: for supermarkets as well as for small boutiques and department stores. In cities like Munich, closing time is often between 7 and 8 pm.

Public holidays vary from state to state in Germany. Bavaria has 13 public holidays a year, making it the state with the most. Its calendar essentially follows Catholic celebrations. Stores are generally closed on public holidays.

January1: New Year's Day.

January 6: Epiphany.

Good Friday (date varies).

Easter Monday (date varies).

May1: Labor Day.

Ascension Thursday, 40 days after Easter.

Whit Monday (date varies).

Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi Day (date varies).

August 8: Hohes Friedensfest (a curiosity of Germany's decentralized system: since the 17th century, Augsburg has had one more public holiday than any other Bavarian city: August 8 is a day to celebrate peace).

August 15: Assumption Day.

October 3: German Unity Day, national holiday.

November1: All Saints' Day.

December 25: Christmas Day.

December 26:2nd Christmas Day.

Get out Bavaria

Munich and Nuremberg have many nightclubs that are open until late. In the smaller cities, people go out a little earlier. The covid-19 pandemic was particularly terrible for nightclubs, which were forced to close their doors, some of them not to reopen.