Exhibition at La Menuiserie, May 4-18, 2024.
3 rue Carquillat, Clos Jouve, Lyon 1
Visits Monday to Saturday, 2 pm / 6 pm
Opening on Thursday, May 9
(Drawing, painting, photography, spinning and weaving).

Following the events that forced me to leave my home, the creation of this exhibition became an act of survival. Between a broken past and an uncertain future, I found myself faced with a breach opening up beneath my feet. I had to find a path, tools and materials to hold on to this goal and build it with what seemed to be left. My desire to create.
So I put my trust in my hands and started making rope out of plastic I'd found on the street. Maybe it would hold my fall or keep me from getting lost in the abruptly falling darkness. Abandoning myself to this repetitive work, a sort of Ariadne's thread appeared between my fingers, as little by little I found myself again.
Is it then a return to my hands, to my work, to my heart, to my power? It doesn't matter, because it seems to me that at every moment we take back what we think we've left behind for a second, a night, a year, making our life a series of innumerable take-backs.
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