Regional grocery Alsace specialties
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Made with fresh eggs of high-air hens and superior durum wheat semoul, Alsace Valfleuri pasta is comparable to homemade fresh pasta. Manufactured according to craftsmanship, they obtained certification Geographical Protected in 2005.

History. Created in 1922, in a small bakery shop, Valfleuri is the oldest pasta factory in Alsace and has been perpetuating its family know-how for 3 generations. The company commercializes its brand «Valfleuri, Alsace Pasta - 7 fresh eggs» certified by IGP, gourmet sauces to riesling, bear garlic or morilles and Pat 'atouilles, highly vegetable-rich pasta. For nearly ten years, the company has chosen to use only eggs from outdoor hens for its two ranges of Alsace Pasta. Alsace Valfleuri's fresh fresh eggs and durum wheat come from French territory.

The products. The "Nüdle to the Old" Valfleuri product is comparable to homemade pasta. Yellow yellow color they are peeled and shaped like fresh pasta. The Corolles, Ondines and Spirales made old with a bronze mold have a rustic appearance that clings well to sauces. They are all recognized by the chefs of Alsace for their excellent taste.

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