Natural site to discover

Some travellers are disappointed, saying that there is almost nothing to be seen in archaeological terms; It is true that the ruins are not yet uncovered, some stones forming a staircase and nothing else. But the flora and fauna are fascinating (binoculars and essential mosquito repellent) and the park itself has been very well equipped: Small museum, impeccable toilets, beautiful stone trails and wooden footbridge whose maintenance (it always rains!) justifies the entrance price alone. A nice excursion to enjoy slowly by lending the ear to the thousand noises around.

It is one of the most important and ancient archaeological parks in Honduras. Its existence precedes a thousand years that of the archaeological Site of Copán. According to reports, the ancestors of the Lencas have lived there about 800 BC, and the museum preserves important préhispaniques remains discovered in the park. Los Naranjos was an important city that had an influence on a large part of the current territory of central Honduras. In the main group of the highest prehispanic construction (20 metres) in this geographic area where the Maya lived, one can discover seven large main mounds with height ranging between 3 and 20 metres high. The main structure was a pyramid nearly 20 metres high. Try to get a map of the site at the entrance. The best is to follow the main path before turning on the right (Junlaras Trail) to the ruins. You can turn burial and win the suspension bridge (a beautiful place to meditate or fish). Continue the Gualiqueme trail and then Mirador (before the bridge) until you reach the wooden bridge that joins the main trail (turn right to find the visitor centre and exit).

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