Time difference Florence - Firenze

Same time zone as France, Belgium and Switzerland. In March, we go forward one hour; in October, we go back one hour.

Opening hours Florence - Firenze

To see / To do Florence - Firenze

Museums are often open free of charge on the first Sunday of the month (closed on Monday or Tuesday). It is best to visit during the week, even if Florence is always very busy, to avoid the weekend tourists.

It is best to avoid an accumulation of visits, preferring to visit museums and churches in the morning (some of them are only open at this time), and to go for walks, excursions in the area and shopping in the afternoon.

Enjoying yourself Florence - Firenze

The Florentines settle down around 13h/13h30 and in the evening around 21h, even 22h in summer. The establishments open their doors around 12pm for lunch (pranzo), they take a break from 3pm to 6pm and finish the service around 11pm/00pm. Some restaurants only open for dinner (cena). Many are closed on Sundays, Mondays and August for annual holidays (chiuso per ferie). Remember to book (prenotazione) on weekends.

Take a break Florence - Firenze

As in France, most bars close around 2am on weekends. The peak of attendance takes place at the time of the aperitif or during the dopo cena, just after dinner (for a digestive!).

(To) please yourself Florence - Firenze

Stores generally open from 10am to 1pm and from 4pm to 7:30pm. Shopkeepers often rest on Mondays, and in summer they add Sundays.

Get out Florence - Firenze

Nightclubs usually open around midnight and close around 4am. As for cinema, screenings take place throughout the day. Films are released on Thursdays in Italy and there is often an intermission in the middle of the screening.