Parks and gardens
3 reviews

One of the country's jewels, at least with regard to the gardens. In the heart of a landscape of arid implacable and hidden behind high walls, the Fin Park is one of Iran's most famous gardens. The site was built around a natural source under the reign of Shah Abbas (1588-1629) and was also sadly famous following the assassination in 1852 of Mirza Taghi Khan (Amir Kabir), a reformer who tried to engage Iran on the path to modernization.

Today, the pavilions of the safavide era were replaced by a small qadjar palace, but the alignment of the mountains and the marble basins remain faithful to the original plan. The by the rustle of fountains and the water games of the small canals, which sink into the marble basins, it is the ideal place to savour the sweet afternoon of the ends of the trees. In the purest Persian tradition, the End is indeed the heir of a millennial know-how, which combines the garden with a representation of paradise. Sheltered from the high walls, it is a little of the fascinating and mysterious Persian, which is discussed. Complete the walk through a passage in the charming tea house located in the walls of the small qadjar palace. See also the small museum showing the results of excavations in Tépé Saylak and Ziggourat Elam ziggourat.

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