Specialized museum

Located at the "Km 115", this museum dedicated to the Blue Route, which connects Paris to the Côte d'Azur, is now an integral part of the new hotel built alongside the Relais du Miel. You will tell all of this road, emblematic of the holidays at the time when the first paid holidays were introduced and will also give you some related anecdotes, including the passage from Mesrines in the nearby restaurant, just before his arrest. In the museum you will find many objects of the time as well as a fun circuit, materialized by miniature cars attached to the wall and marking each of the main steps up to Menton. The shop is quite interesting, with a large window of miniature cars, books related to the 7 National (which will be débaptisée and tronçonnée, it will remain "La National 7") as well as games for children.

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