
Mary-Flore is a florist located in Châtillon-Coligny. The store offers a wide choice of flowers in pots, cut flowers, arrangements, seedlings and seeds, as well as advice for your flower beds. Mary-Flore also offers a delivery service throughout the canton, including the towns of Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois, Saint-Maurice-sur-Aveyron, Aillant-sur-Milleron, Le Charme, Cortra and Feins-en-Gâtinais, Nogent-sur-Vernisson, Boismorand, Varennes-Changy, Montcresson, Melleroy, Montbouy, Le Molinet-sur-Solin, Gy-les-Nonains, Ouzouer-des-Champs, Rogny-les-Sept-Écluses, Les Choux, Escrignelle and La Bussière.

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