Time difference NorThern Islands Of The Aegean Sea

Greece is in the GMT + 2 time zone, which means that there is a one hour time difference with France: when it is noon in Paris, it is 1pm in Athens and in the North Aegean, winter and summer.

Opening hours NorThern Islands Of The Aegean Sea

To see / To do NorThern Islands Of The Aegean Sea

Schedules are a constant source of anxiety for authors of guidebooks on Greece: they change constantly, sometimes several times a year, often they don't even really exist. One thing to remember: stay flexible! A museum that is closed during opening hours is commonplace, especially on islands where crowds are limited and in times of budget constraints. So, take your chances with the indications given in this guide or call before you come: it will be safer! During the off-season, assume that the minor sites and museums are closed, but if you find the right person, you may be given the keys..

Enjoying yourself NorThern Islands Of The Aegean Sea

The restaurateurs and owners of the taverns and ouzeries of the North Aegean must ensure the summer season to survive all year: they are therefore open every day from morning to evening, in continuous service, and the hours depend on the affluence. On average, the hours of service last fifteen hours, sometimes more. Some of the more upscale restaurants are only open in the evening for dinner. In the summer, waiters simply wait for the last customer to leave before closing, while in the off-season most establishments are simply closed.

Take a break NorThern Islands Of The Aegean Sea

The owners and managers of bars and cafes in the North Aegean have to ensure the summer season to survive all year round: they are therefore open every day from morning to night and the hours depend on the number of people. Some night bars only open from 6pm-7pm and stay open until the early morning. Some traditional kafeneia open early in the morning and again around 6pm but close a few hours after lunch. But most of the time, these places are open continuously: in summer, the waiters just wait for the last customer to leave before closing. In the off-season, however, the majority of establishments are closed.

(To) please yourself NorThern Islands Of The Aegean Sea

Shops are generally open from Monday to Saturday, from 8am to 8pm, with a closing period at lunchtime. However, opening hours are adapted to the number of tourists: it is not uncommon for a store to close at 10 pm or even later during the high season. Off season, it is generally the opposite, with many tourist stores simply closed, especially in the less visited islands.

Get out NorThern Islands Of The Aegean Sea

Summer cinemas, open air, usually offer a screening around 10pm as it has to be dark for the projection. Clubs and nightclubs open around midnight and stay open until the wee hours of the morning, around 5-6am and depending on the number of people.