Time difference Friuli-Venezia Giulia

Italy belongs to the same time zone as France, Switzerland and Belgium. In April, we move forward one hour and at the end of October we move back one hour. The time difference between Quebec and Italy is 6 hours.

Opening hours Friuli-Venezia Giulia

To see / To do Friuli-Venezia Giulia

Museums and some monuments observe a closing day, often on Monday. They are usually open from 9am to 6pm, but some take a break between 1pm and 3pm. The number of museums that offer a nocturne during the week is increasing, especially the modern art museums. Religious buildings generally close at noon, between 12:30 and 1:00 pm and 2:30 and 4:00 pm.

The rhythm of life in northern Italy generally corresponds to the rhythm of northern Europe: at the office at 9am, break at 1pm and dinner at 8pm.

Enjoying yourself Friuli-Venezia Giulia

Italians eat a little later than northern Europeans. At lunchtime, the kitchen usually opens at 1pm, and at dinner, at 7pm. However, restaurants in tourist areas have adapted to a foreign clientele that is mostly Austrian and German: on the coast and in the mountains, they are open from 12 noon and in the evening from 6 pm. Most establishments have at least one day a week when they are closed, which varies greatly but is often Monday. On Sundays, they may be open at noon and closed in the evening. It is best to reserve a table in advance; in Trieste, this is strongly recommended, as the establishments regularly have to refuse customers who arrive unexpectedly.

Take a break Friuli-Venezia Giulia

Cafés, tea rooms and gourmet shops (pastry shops and bakeries with tasting rooms) are generally open from morning until late afternoon (Italians love the little pastry shop with espresso around 5-6pm!). Ice cream shops open a little later, around noon, and close in the evening. Bar hours vary: often open at noon in the city, around 5pm elsewhere, they close between 11pm and 3am.

(To) please yourself Friuli-Venezia Giulia

While supermarkets and international brand stores remain open continuously from 9am to 8pm, small shops take a break from 12:30-1pm to 3:30-4pm. They are generally open from Monday to Saturday, but some shops in big cities are also open on Sundays, even if this day is generally a holiday.

Get out Friuli-Venezia Giulia

Bars are open all week (often with one day of closure, Monday) until 10 or 11 pm, and until 2 or 3 am on Friday and Saturday. The nightclubs are open from Thursday to Saturday. On the Adriatic coast, in Lignano Sabbiadoro, discos and bars open until very late every day in high season. For activities with friends (cinema, bowling, karting, games), the hours vary greatly depending on the establishment.