Local producer
1 review

Since 1925, the Sommariva mill has been producing oil from the small taggiasca olives, an extra virgin cold-pressed oil used for the specialties of Ligurian cuisine. The company is one of the first associations of organic farmers and producers in Italy. All the products come from the family farm and are preserved in olive oil, without additives or chemical preservatives. A small museum dedicated to the history of olive growing was inaugurated by the brothers Gianni and Agostino in memory of their founding father.

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Olive oil producer
1 review

Another of Italy's great olive-growing families is the Carli brothers. This emporium is entirely dedicated to the sale of their olive oil and its derivatives: pesto, tinned sardines, tapenade, olive and artichoke pâté, as well as traditional cakes and cosmetics, all in the Ligurian gastronomic tradition. A small counter allows you to attend themed lunches on reservation (see the agenda on the Facebook account, don't hesitate to contact them to find out about all the events planned, which vary according to the season).

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