Time difference Martinique

There is a 5 hour difference during winter time in mainland France (when it is 6pm in Paris, it is 1pm in Fort-de-France) and 6 hours in summer, from March to October.

Opening hours Martinique

To see / To do Martinique

Tropical rhythms mean that people get up early, but they also go to bed early, as night falls quickly. In Martinique, shops are generally open from 8 or 9 a.m. until 4 or 5 p.m. (6 p.m. in tourist areas), and on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.. On Sundays, very few stores are open.

Enjoying yourself Martinique

Martinicans get up early and go to bed early. Therefore, in restaurants, lunch is served from 11:30 am. After 2pm, you can forget about lunch… For dinner, it is not uncommon to see restaurants opening their doors as early as 6:30 pm, some not serving after 9:30 pm. But most often, service starts at 7pm and usually ends around 10pm (10:30-11pm at the weekends). On Sundays, many establishments offer a brunch or a buffet for lunch and are closed in the evening.

Take a break Martinique

Bars are usually open from 5pm until midnight on weekdays and easily 2 hours on Friday and Saturday nights. They are concentrated around Fort-de-France (on the side of the Etang Z'abricots), and in the south, in Les Trois-Ilets at the Pointe du bout, Le Diamant, Marina du Marin and Sainte-Anne.

(To) please yourself Martinique

Stores are generally open from 9am to 5pm, or even 6pm in large cities or tourist areas. Night falls quickly in the tropics: after 6pm, you will only have to go to the shopping malls which stay open until 8:30pm.

Stores are often open on Saturdays until 1pm, some until 5pm. And on Sundays, they are generally closed.

Get out Martinique

Generally speaking, nightlife is not very hectic in Martinique, as people go to bed early and get up early. Bars and clubs close around midnight on weekdays and around 2am on Friday and Saturday nights.