Time difference Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico is on the time zone (UTC-4), which means that it is 5 hours earlier than France in winter, and 6 hours earlier in summer. When it is noon in Paris, it is 6 or 7 am in Puerto Rico

Opening hours Puerto Rico

To see / To do Puerto Rico

Stores are open from Monday to Saturday morning. Shopping centers and supermarkets are open every day from Monday to Saturday from 9am to 8 or 9pm. Some even open late in the evening and all day Sunday, as in the United States. Restaurants may close on Sunday and/or Monday. Generally speaking, stores and administrative offices open earlier than in Europe: it is not uncommon to see everyone at work at 8:30 am in Puerto Rico. Government offices are generally open from 8:30am to 12pm and from 1pm to 4pm from Monday to Friday. They are closed on weekends. Museums are generally open from Wednesday to Sunday, although the hours may vary depending on the entity.

Enjoying yourself Puerto Rico

In the so-called "gastronomic" restaurants, it is customary to reserve your table. For some establishments, it is even necessary to make a reservation several days in advance, as they are so coveted! These restaurants often have a reservation system on their website. On Sundays, for brunch or lunch after mass, Puerto Ricans like to meet up with family or friends at the restaurant. Weekend days are generally very busy, so it is best to plan ahead. Closing times and days may vary from one establishment to another. Some gourmet restaurants only welcome their customers for dinner from Wednesday to Sunday.

Take a break Puerto Rico

For a coffee, brunch or breakfast, most cafés are open every day from 7am-8am to 4pm-5pm. To sip a cocktail at any time of the day, you will find bars open from 2pm to 9pm, or from noon to midnight, with variable closing days depending on the establishment, but most often on Monday. In short, there is always a place open whatever the time and the day to eat or drink.

Get out Puerto Rico

Happy hour is usually offered Thursday through Sunday from 5pm to 7pm at most bars open in the evening.

Nightlife in San Juan, and Puerto Rico in general, starts before dark, around 5pm. The roadside chinchorros (food stands) can then turn into dance parties, mostly on weekends. In San Juan, especially in the neighborhoods of Condado, Calle Loíza and Placita de Santurce, clubs and bars stay open late into the night (until 2-3am for some, 5am for others). They close on Sunday and/or Monday, sometimes even on Tuesday. Some clubs stay open every day, so it is better to check with each establishment.