Time difference India

In France, the time difference is 3h30 in summer and 4h30 in winter. It's 3.30pm (or 4.30pm) in Delhi when it's midday in Paris.

Opening hours India

To see / To do India

Museums, palaces, World Heritage sites - there's something for everyone to see in every city and region of India. Apart from the major sites, whose closing day is known - for example, the Taj Mahal is closed on Fridays - there is no fixed closing day. Nor is there necessarily a closing day. All you have to do is find out when you arrive. Please note, however, that national monuments are generally closed on public holidays. Religious sites are always open.

Generally speaking, national monuments are open from sunrise to sunset. Private monuments have their own opening hours.

Enjoying yourself India

In the cities, you'll find food everywhere and at all hours. Indians eat late, whatever the meal. Breakfast is taken mid-morning, lunch around 2pm and dinner until 10 or 11pm. However, in smaller towns, restaurant opening times are much the same as in France.

Take a break India

There's always somewhere to sit down and have a drink and/or a snack. For comfort and air-conditioning, look no further than hotel cafés and tea rooms.

(To) please yourself India

There are no real rules. In crowded areas, shops live to the rhythm of the tourists. In more remote areas, it's the sun (from 6am to 6pm) that sets the pace. Finally, in major cities, stores are generally open between 10am and 9pm.

Get out India

You can go to a pub or club from 5pm until 1.30am. Hotel bars in major cities also offer trendy atmospheres with DJs in the evening. Many offer happy hours from 6pm to 8pm.