Time difference Qatar

UTC/GMT +3, in the AST (Arabia Standard) zone. Doha is at +2 when Paris is on summer time. When Paris is on winter time, Doha is at +1.

Opening hours Qatar

Enjoying yourself Qatar

Since most restaurants are located in hotels, they have a wide range of hours and even continuous service when they are located by the pool or on the beach, for example. Dinner service can be late, as people in the Middle East like to go out late when it is cooler

Souq Waqif has restaurants that are open very late at night, which is convenient when you arrive in Doha hungry after a plane ride. On weekends, the malls and their food courts have wide opening hours to satisfy the stomachs of night shoppers.

Take a break Qatar

The cafés, often located in hotels, also have wide opening hours. They open early in the morning and usually close before dinner.

(To) please yourself Qatar

The malls where the so-called modern stores are concentrated generally open every day from 10am until 10pm, some of them open longer on Fridays and Saturdays. The Souq Waqif opens its small stores around 4pm and until late at night, often 10pm as well.

Get out Qatar

Clubs or discos as such are very rare, Doha is not Dubai! The hours vary but generally people go out after 10 pm and all the night places close at 2 am.