Time difference Colombia

Between Colombia and France, the time difference is 6 hours (winter time in France) or 7 hours (summer time). When it is 8pm in Paris, it is 2pm in Bogotá in February and 1pm in July.

Opening hours Colombia

To see / To do Colombia

Museums have very variable opening hours, but most often they are open from Tuesday to Saturday from 9am to 6pm, and on Sunday from 10am to 5pm. Most are therefore closed on Mondays. When Monday is a holiday, which happens frequently, the museum may open on Monday and close on Tuesday, but this is not a mandatory rule

As far as the national parks are concerned, they are generally open every day, from 7 or 8 am. Some of them close for longer or shorter periods, for the regeneration of natural sites, or for spiritual reasons. This is the case of the Tayrona Park, closed to all tourist activity three times during the year, for two weeks each time. The indigenous people of the Sierra (Arhuaco, Kankuamo, Kogui and Wiwa) perform rituals in homage to the Madre Tierra.

Enjoying yourself Colombia

If breakfast(desayuno) is not included in the price of your hotel room, go to a bakery that serves as a cafeteria for a good selection of typical breakfasts at a reasonable price. Panaderias usually open around 7am. Lunch(almuerzo) is around noon, but restaurants serve until 3pm or even all day. Most of the small restaurants open between 11am and 4pm from Monday to Saturday. The restaurants with more elaborate menus usually serve between 12 and 3 pm and between 7 and 9 or 10 pm. Of course, the hours vary from region to region, from city to city and from country to country, depending on the number of tourists. In tourist areas, restaurants stay open on Sundays until around 5pm and close on Mondays; otherwise most restaurants work from Monday to Saturday. In some cities that receive a lot of tourists on weekends, such as Villa de Leyva, most restaurants only open from Friday to Sunday, or Monday if it is a holiday.

Take a break Colombia

Cafés and cafeterias usually open around 7am and close around 7pm, Monday to Saturday, but there are no real rules, some only open in the afternoon. Many also open on Sundays, where Colombians often gather with their families for a typical breakfast. In the trendy cafés, happy hours are common, at the time of the exit of the offices, or in the beginning of the evening.

Colombians take two almost obligatory snack breaks during the day, around 10-11am and 4-5pm. This is called " las onces" . You buy an arepa or an empanada from a stand in the street, which you accompany with a tinto (black coffee), or an agua de panela, or you go to a café for a hot chocolate

(To) please yourself Colombia

Stores generally open Monday through Saturday, around 9-10am until 7 or 8pm, and often on Sunday in tourist areas. Shopping malls open every day, usually from 9am to 11pm, a little earlier on Sundays. Local grocery stores(tiendas) have very extensive hours as well. Markets(plazas de mercado) open from 7am to 4 or 5pm.

Get out Colombia

Colombia is a musical and festive country, where bars and clubs are always full. The beginning of the week is quieter of course, but there is plenty of fun to be had every night in the big cities. The rumba really starts on Thursday, until Saturday night. The terraces of the cafes and tiendas (local grocery stores where alcohol is sold) are very popular after work or university. There are no set hours, but bars generally close late, until midnight or even 2am. Discotheques open from 9pm and close at 3am or even 5am. Shows (theater, dance, etc.) take place around 8 or 9 pm.