Time difference Chile

The time difference with France is 4 hours during the Chilean summer (reversed from ours) and 6 hours during the winter. So, in January, when it is 8pm in Paris, it is 4pm in Chile. On the other hand, in July, when it is 8pm in Paris, it is 2pm in Chile.

Opening hours Chile

To see / To do Chile

Between the major urban centers and the vast desert expanses of the north and south, it's easy to imagine that life doesn't move at the same pace for everyone. In the cities, museums and cultural institutes open around 10 a.m., close around 6 p.m. and are generally open at weekends. As for natural sites and parks, they generally open at 6am and close at 7pm.

Enjoying yourself Chile

Whether in winter or summer, restaurant opening times vary, as they do all over the world; restaurants often have fixed hours and do not offer continuous service, so you can have lunch from 12 to 3pm and dinner from 8 to 11pm. In the big cities, you can eat at almost any time of the day or night. There's no need to show up too early, as most restaurants don't open until 9pm. In more remote areas, some restaurants only open at lunchtime. In Patagonia, some establishments close in winter, only to reopen in high season: in some towns, you may be spoilt for choice, with only one address ready to welcome you.

Take a break Chile

Pisco sour, gourmet tea, craft beer or southern wine, there is no time to take a break and try the delights of Chilean drinks! Cafés and tea rooms are usually open from morning until late afternoon. In high season, they are open every day on weekdays and sometimes even on Sundays, but beware, opening hours become more random between April and September. The bars all have the same opening hours: for example, cafés that are converted into bars in the evening or establishments that open their doors in the late afternoon. In any case, whether you are in Santiago, Pucón, Valparaíso or even San Pedro de Atacama, they are open until late at night, often until 3 or 4 am! If they are open every day during the high season, it is possible that the pace slows down during the low season and that the establishments close, especially at the beginning of the week.

(To) please yourself Chile

In Chile, shops are generally open on Saturday mornings. Outside the major shopping centers, however, everything is closed on Sundays. Outside the big cities and urban areas, small craft stores open weekdays from 10am to 5pm. However, for shopping and starting your souvenir collection, it's more practical and common to visit the craft markets (known as paseos artesanos), open every weekday until 6 or 7pm, or the more widespread ferias de artesanos at weekends.

Get out Chile

Cultural events and other performing arts are part of the effervescence of Santiago and Valparaiso: festive and lively, these two cities almost never sleep! Clubs, bars and other boliches (nightclubs) are numerous and can close their doors only at dawn. Mostly located in the city, nightclubs are generally open from Thursday to Saturday from 10pm to 3am (later for afterhours). In remote areas, clubs close much earlier. Apart from the cultural and performing arts events in the big cities, the nightlife in Patagonia is rather quiet.