Time difference Romania

Romania's time zone is +2 hours ahead of GMT. Compared to French time, you have to advance your watch by one hour: when it is noon in France, it is 1 p.m. in Romania. The country also follows the summer/winter time system.

Opening hours Romania

To see / To do Romania

Generally, museums and other paying sites open around 9am and close around 6pm. Schedules often change slightly between low and high season: from October-November to March-April, sites open and close a little earlier. Many are closed on Mondays. In Sibiu, but also in many public museums in Bucharest, the closure extends to Tuesday.
For some of the more touristy attractions, such as the Bran and Peleș castles, avoid peak times in the high season and visit during the week, at the very beginning or end of the day: crowds can really spoil the fun.
Finally, you should know that many museums are undertaking major modernisation work, thanks to European funding. These projects can mean several years of closed doors.

Enjoying yourself Romania

Restaurants often attack in the morning serving breakfast and stay open until late in the evening (often 11pm or midnight, or even later for some establishments that also have a bar). The service is continuous, so you can eat at any time!

Take a break Romania

Like restaurants, bars have very wide time slots: many open in the morning and serve all day, every day. There is no set closing time, so it is often determined by the last customers to leave! Coffee shops tend to close in the early evening.

(To) please yourself Romania

Supermarkets and grocery stores are generally open every day (including Sundays) from 8am to 10pm, and some are open 24 hours a day. The gigantic malls and all their shops are also open every day from 10am to 10pm, even on Sundays. Many markets are held every day from 8am to 4pm, sometimes later. Non-food shops are generally open from 9 or 10 am to 7 or 8 pm, Monday to Saturday.

Get out Romania

Most of the clubs are only open at weekends, from Thursday, or even only on Fridays and Saturdays. Bars are also places to party. Especially as there is no closing time imposed: depending on the motivation of those present, the evening can therefore last until late at night!