Time difference Bulgaria

Bulgaria is on the GMT+2 time zone, one hour more than in France. So when it is 2pm in France, it is 3pm in Bulgaria. The time change in summer and winter is done at the same time.

Opening hours Bulgaria

To see / To do Bulgaria

Museums and sites of interest are generally open from 10am to 5pm, more or less depending on the season. Monasteries can be visited every day, when most museums close on public holidays and often one day in the week which varies according to the museum.

Enjoying yourself Bulgaria

It is rare for restaurants to make a daytime break. They are generally open from morning to night, without interruption, especially in high season

Take a break Bulgaria

Bars stay open until late at night. You will always find a bar open in the big cities, whether it is during the week or at the weekend, especially in high season. Happy hour hours vary greatly. For some bars it can be in the middle of the afternoon, while for others it starts at the end of the day from 6pm to 8pm, for example.

(To) please yourself Bulgaria

Shops are open all day, usually from 10am to 8pm, depending on the season. On Sundays, supermarkets are open but shopping shops are closed in low season.

Get out Bulgaria

As in France, the nightlife really starts around 10pm and goes on until the end of the night.

Happy hours are usually from 6 to 8 pm, although each establishment chooses its own hours for this.