Time difference Guinea

Guinea is in the GMT + 0 time zone all year round. In winter time in France (from November to March), when it is noon in Guinea, it is 1:00 pm in France. During summer time in France (April to October), when it is noon in Guinea, it is 2pm in France.

Opening hours Guinea

To see / To do Guinea

During holidays and public holidays, some well-known sites can be very crowded, especially by local youth. Check with your local authorities before visiting, especially if you want to spend some time in peace and quiet.

During Ramadan (which changes every year according to the lunar calendar), many activities slow down or come to a complete halt

If you want to visit the markets, we advise you to do so in the middle of the morning when the traders are in place and it is not yet too hot.

In the artisanal fishing ports, the fishermen often return in the middle and late afternoon. However, at any time of the day, there is always a lot of activity on site.

Get out Guinea

Nightclubs and other nightclubs usually open their doors around 11pm/minute. But as for the atmosphere, it is more likely to be at its peak around 2 or 3 am.