Time difference Democratic Republic Of The Congo

The time difference in the DRC is +1 hour in winter and +2 hours in summer. There are two different time zones in the DRC, so time is not the same in the east and west of the country.

Opening hours Democratic Republic Of The Congo

To see / To do Democratic Republic Of The Congo

Most tourist sites open between 9am and 4/5pm. The busiest times are weekends and public holidays.

Enjoying yourself Democratic Republic Of The Congo

Meals are still modelled on Belgian habits: breakfast in the morning, lunch at noon and dinner in the evening. But it is possible to eat at any time in the establishments and street terraces. The restaurants are generally open from noon to 3pm and from 6pm to 10pm.

Take a break Democratic Republic Of The Congo

On the street, you can quench your thirst and eat at any time of day. On every street corner, a mother tends her little makala to grill a fish or a piece of goat, warm bananas or chikwangue. In town, tea and pastry shops are open from 7am to 6pm.

(To) please yourself Democratic Republic Of The Congo

In Kinshasa and in the major cities, most international brand stores are located in malls that are accessible from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. except on Sundays. There are also countless stores selling a wide range of articles of various qualities, most often imported from Asia. For the street trade, it is all day long, you can find everything at any time.

Get out Democratic Republic Of The Congo

Music and dance are deeply rooted in the DNA of the Congolese. And it is out of the question to wait for Friday evening or the night to start singing and moving. Even if at the end of the week, we go wild more. Congolese rumba developed from Cuban influences in the 1950s. This rhythmic music, typical for the sound of the guitar and the often high-pitched voice of the singers, is also characterized by a specific dance that can be seen in action in all the clubs of the country.