Time difference Gabon

In Gabon, there is no time difference with France during winter time. During summer time, there is one hour less in Gabon than in France. When it is 8pm in Paris, it is 7pm in Libreville.
In São Tomé and Príncipe, during winter time, it is one hour earlier than in France. In summer, there is a 2 hour difference. When it is 8pm in Paris, it is 6pm in São Tomé.

Opening hours Gabon

To see / To do Gabon

With 13 national parks, Gabon is a destination for wildlife viewing, including the country's iconic forest elephants, forest buffalo and gorillas. However, some parks are difficult to access and others are only open for scientific research. It is advisable to visit the national parks in the morning at dawn in order to observe as many animals as possible. Some trips are also organized in the afternoon.

Enjoying yourself Gabon

The restaurants are generally open from 12 to 3pm and from 7 to 11pm. Some of them are also cafeterias and welcome customers all day long.

Take a break Gabon

Cafeterias open early in the morning, around 7am, and close at the end of the day. As for the night bars, they open at the end of the day, around 7pm, and close around 2am.

(To) please yourself Gabon

In Gabon, shops are generally open until 7pm and closed between 12pm and 3pm, except for some large supermarkets (M'bolo, Géant CKDO). On Sundays, they do not open, except some, in the morning. In São Tomé and Príncipe, Saturday afternoon and Sunday all day are often off. In the evening, the night falls very quickly, the few shops close at around 5pm.

Get out Gabon

On weekends, the discos open around 10pm. The Gabonese usually arrive around 11pm and enjoy the atmosphere until closing time, around 5am.