Communication is an important part of our travels. But being confronted with a language other than one's own can quickly become problematic, with inevitable consequences on the comfort of the stay and our relationship with the other. Fortunately, there is English, the official language of no less than 67 nations. English is used for communication across the globe. It is used to simplify exchanges in the field of business and tourism. It's simple: an estimated 1.5 billion people around the world are fluent in the language of Shakespeare. If you love to travel, it's never too late to take courses and learn English. It will make your future travels much easier. Whether you are planning to visit Europe, America, Asia, Africa or Oceania, mastering a minimum of English will make your stay even more intense! Here's how and why you should take English classes as soon as possible.

Face-to-face or online, English courses are for everyone

The best part about learning a language for travel is that there is no age limit. Students, workers and retirees alike can all make the choice to learn English at some point in their lives.

Training centers open their doors everywhere for face-to-face English courses with trained personnel. You can also choose to learn online and take courses from the comfort of your own home using your computer. Lessons, videos, tests and videoconferences, everything is done to help you progress as quickly as possible.

English, an ally for everyday life when traveling

To all those who ask why take English courses before leaving on a trip, the first answer is that the language is a precious help for everyday life. Once there, it will be easier to ask for help at the airport if you need information on how to get to your destination, and then to finalize your reservation at the hotel.

In the street, English allows you to ask people for information: directions, the address of a restaurant, the number of a bus to take to reach a tourist site, etc.

At the restaurant table, many establishments translate their menus into English so that visitors can get an idea of what they are about to eat.

Also, speaking and understanding a minimum of English is comfortable for enjoying the activities on site. In museums, information about the works of art and exhibitions is mostly translated into English. In other countries, many guided tours are also offered in the language of Shakespeare. If a tour is not available in your native language, you can still enjoy great experiences such as hiking in a national park and visiting historical sites.

The discovery of another culture is now also achieved by participating in workshops. Whether it's gastronomic, wine or cultural workshops, English facilitates immersion in the habits and specificities of other populations.

Speaking English to create links with other people

Traveling is certainly an opportunity to discover local architecture, new landscapes and anything else you can relate to another culture. But what would our escapades around the world be without encounters with other people? When we are confronted with a language that is radically different from ours, exchanges can be very complicated and we prefer to live our vacations in our own corner. What a pity! Having taken English classes and speaking the language, even at an intermediate level, one can communicate and create links with locals and other travelers.

Meeting and interacting with others always leaves incredible memories.

Learning English for Volunteer or Humanitarian Work

English is not only useful for travelers who want to see the world's beauty and riches, it is also a great tool for people who want to go abroad to volunteer or do humanitarian work. Taking English classes will facilitate exchanges between volunteers and participants if you wish to give your free time to support a local organization. You are also much more likely to be selected for a humanitarian trip to help a local population if you are fluent in English.