Cross language boundaries! Travel without worrying about the language and without the hassle of a dictionary. Translate in the blink of an eye. The dream of every long-distance traveler! The solution? The Vasco Translator M3 from Vasco Electronics that allows you to communicate in over 70 languages.

A valuable communication aid

You save on the costly services of an interpreter with this instant voice translator that fits in your pocket and allows you to make yourself understood and to understand your interlocutors even in a language you do not master at all

With offices in Europe and the United States and employees worldwide, Vasco Electronics, founded in 2008, has established itself as a global leader in the instant voice translation industry. Hundreds of thousands of users around the world appreciate the high quality and accuracy of its devices

Since the release of its very first travel speech translator, the brand has made it its mission to help people around the world communicate through the design and development of the best devices on the market.

A powerful pocket-sized voice translator

Here is a precious partner for the success of your trips abroad. Very handy when you're on a tourist trip, a globetrotter's tour of the world or a business trip. With your Vasco Translator M3 you have the best instant voice translator on the market, used by individuals, companies and professionals worldwide

This pocket-sized voice translator assists you in many situations, from communicating in another language tolearning a new language.

Who should use this instant voice translator?

From retirees to backpackers to individual travelers. The latter are particularly concerned by this travel voice translator which ensures freedom and independence in all circumstances where language might be a problem

Travelers and those who feel embarrassed because of their unavailability or/and inability to learn foreign languages, will find themselves unburdened by their pocket instant voice translator. Don't understand? Get out your Vasco Translator M3! And don't forget to smile, that's part of communication too!

As an added bonus, you get a lot of handy features. For example, you can take a picture of a restaurant's menu with your translator's camera and get the translation immediately.

A voice translator: for which destinations, which languages and which handling?

This ultimate travel voice translator works in nearly 200 countries and allows you to speak in more than 70 languages and communicate with over 90% of the world's population. Thanks to its international SIM card with a free, unlimited lifetime connection for your translations, you won't waste time searching for Wi-Fi. The translator is easy to use and intuitive. Just take your translator out of the box and start talking!

How do I get a pocket-sized instant voice translator?

Order your Vasco Translator M3 directly from the Vasco Electronics website. You can choose from 6 colors. Your translator will be shipped to you within 24 hours by parcel from France

You can get an additional 10% discount with the coupon code PETITFUTE. Happy translating!