Public transport buses and coaches

Every weekend, everyone can move from one place to another in the city until late at night, without worrying about parking problems. Eight lines are available:

CN1 connects the Ville-haute, Hollerich, Gare, Clausen, Neudorf and Cents districts and serves the Glacis and Bouillon parking lots. CN2: Bonnevoie-Nord, Gasperich, Cessange. CN3 : Bonnevoie-Sud, Hamm, Pulvermühl. CN4: Kirchberg, Weimershof. CN5: Kirchberg, Weimerskirch, Mühlenbach, Rollingergrund. CN6: Eich, Beggen, Dommeldange. CN7: Limpertsberg, Merl, Belair. CN8: Gasperich, Bonnevoie.

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