Time difference Sardinia

There is no time difference between France and Sardinia. The island switches to summer and winter time on the same day as France.

Opening hours Sardinia

To see / To do Sardinia

In high season, museums and major sites are open between 10am and 8pm. Some open at 9am. In low season, opening hours are shorter, from 10am to 6pm. The traditional closing day is Monday. For churches, opening times and days vary widely. Open every day, non-stop, in the larger towns, they open only on certain days, with a big break in the middle of the day in the smaller villages. Stores open from 9am or 10am to 1pm, then from 5pm to 8pm.

Enjoying yourself Sardinia

Opening hours for bars and restaurants are much the same as in France. Cafés are open all day. Most restaurants offer lunch and dinner service, between 12 and 2pm, and 7 and 11pm. Bars open late into the night. By the sea and in high season, most establishments operate continuously, and some bars stay open until the early hours. When there is a weekly closing, it's traditionally on Sunday.

Take a break Sardinia

The cafés are open continuously from 7:30 am and close around 7 pm. It is often possible to have a snack during the day. Ice cream shops open later in the morning, but close later as well, especially in the city centers where there are many strollers in the evening.

(To) please yourself Sardinia

The stores are generally open between 9am and 1pm and 4pm and 8pm. The weekly closing day is Sunday and sometimes a half day during the week. In high season, in tourist areas, stores are open continuously and every day.

Get out Sardinia

The opening hours are the same as in France, i.e. closing around midnight for the classic bars, and a guaranteed party until the end of the night in the nightclubs. In summer, the hours are longer and fluctuate according to the number of people. Happy hour" is generously offered between 5pm and 8pm.