Time difference Turin

Italy is in the same time zone as France, Belgium or Switzerland, with the same winter and summer time changes.

Opening hours Turin

To see / To do Turin

Museums close on Mondays and Tuesdays. Some public museums are free on the first Sunday of the month.

Enjoying yourself Turin

Always check opening times, as restaurants are often closed on Sunday evenings and Monday lunchtimes. Don't hesitate to make a reservation - it's always safer.

Take a break Turin

Theaperitivo starts at 6pm. This transalpine ritual allows you to dip into the sometimes gargantuan buffets, access to which is free when you pay for a drink. Bars generally close at 2am.

(To) please yourself Turin

Stores in the center are generally open all day, but don't forget the traditional Italian lunch break (1pm-3pm, or even 4pm). This may come as a surprise from France. Closing day is usually Monday.

Get out Turin

Discotheques and dance bars generally close around 4am. They open at 11 p.m., but there's no one there before midnight. Now might be a good time to get in, as the selection process will be much less drastic...