Time difference Budapest

Hungary is on the same time zone as France, Belgium or Switzerland (GMT + 1). Winter time is used there (time change at the same time as in France). This means that in winter, at 4:30 pm, it is already dark.

Opening hours Budapest

To see / To do Budapest

Don't be surprised, here most administrations, institutions and small shops close earlier on Friday and Saturday afternoons - in addition to Sunday afternoons - with the exception of Váci Street. Shopping centres are open on Sundays and some supermarkets. On weekdays and Saturdays, they remain open until 20/21h (or more) during the week. Museums and sites are very rarely open at night beyond 5 or 6 pm and they close on most public holidays.

Enjoying yourself Budapest

Most restaurants serve non-stop from 12pm to 10-11pm on weekends (the kitchen often closes an hour earlier), and some are closed on Sundays. Gastronomic establishments close between noon and two. Small canteens are generally closed from 3pm and at weekends; it's best to refer to your French-Hungarian lexicon, as English is rarely spoken.

Take a break Budapest

Cafés and patisseries are open between 7/8am and 5/6pm and often serve breakfast, pastries, snacks, and even lunch menus. Bars close around midnight/2am.

(To) please yourself Budapest

Outside shopping centers, which are generally open from 8am to 8pm, boutiques open early (8am) and close early (6pm), including on Saturday afternoons (1pm or 2pm), and are not open on Sundays. Designers are often closed on Mondays and open Tuesday to Friday 10am-6pm, Saturday 10am-2pm. Some boutiques are not open on Saturdays.

Get out Budapest

Concerts, plays or operas start around 7-7:30pm or 8pm, bar concerts at 9pm and disco nights around 10-11pm. It is important to note that Hungarians go out mostly on Friday and Saturday nights (and to a lesser extent on Thursday nights). The rest of the week - except in summer - most bars and clubs close at 2am at the most and on Sundays there is not a single cat, although with tourists there are always people around. Happy hours are quite rare in Hungary, except in Irish pubs/international bars.