05 Hamman Aga © Lepneva Irina - Shutterstock.com (1).jpg

Practical advice

For a session in the hammam, it is better to plan to stay at least 1h30-2h there. This way you can really take the time to relax and forget your worries. If you decide to bring your children, you should know that boys under the age of five can stay with their mothers, but beyond that age, they will have to go to the men's area. Child-friendly treatments are offered with an emphasis on soaping. Everything you need for the session is provided upon entering the hammam, but you can bring a comb to comb your hair before leaving. Hammams are usually separated into two sets: one part dedicated to men(erkek) and another to women(kadın). In neighborhood hammams, attendance is at different times. Therefore, there are often two entrances. It is important to remember to hydrate before and after the session, as one sweats a lot. It is also recommended not to have an empty or full stomach.

The reception - the cold room

This is the first room of the hammam. Impressive, it has a high ceiling and in its center a fountain or sometimes a marble basin. The changing rooms are spread out over several floors. The receptionist stands at the reception desk, presents the different formulas and their prices, and explains the procedure of the session. Before the first contact with the heat, it is possible to drink a tea. The visitor must then undress in an individual changing room and keep only a bathing suit or single-use underwear (provided at the reception). Women may wear only their bottoms, as their tops will need to be removed for the scrub. Meanwhile, men and women wear the traditional Peshtemal cloth, a blue or red checked loincloth. The decency wants that one covers the intimate parts. The good manners of the hammam require that the looks are discreet and the postures decent. We put on flip-flops to go to the next room.

The hot room

Overhung by a dome, the room is entirely covered with ceramics and against the walls, beautiful marble basins: this is the hottest room of the hammam. The heat comes from the central hot stone, called "belly stone"(göbektaşı), on which you lie down and... sweat! If the heat gets too much, don't hesitate to pour cool water on your body thanks to the small cups. Avoid staying more than 20 minutes in this room and especially be careful not to fall asleep. During the perspiration phase, the pores of the skin dilate and the work of expelling toxins and dead skin begins. It is only when the pores are well opened that a masseur takes charge of you. The masseur, equipped with a horsehair glove(kese), then cleanses the pores. It is also excellent for the circulation. Depending on the type of hammam, this step can be done directly on the central hot stone, near an individual sink or in a separate room. This scrub is always performed in the same order: the back, the back of the legs, the torso, the front of the legs, the arms, and finally the face and neck. During this practice, the dead skin is extirpated and forms mini pellets that roll under the glove! It's impressive, but don't worry, it's normal and it's true for everyone (it doesn't mean that we are dirty!). Then, the cleaning continues: the body covered with a cloud of foam, a soothing massage is practiced. The products used for the cleaning are generally traditional, made with olive and argan oil. Finally, the session ends with another tonic and very vigorous massage in the men's parts, more gentle in the women's. These messages are optional. It is advisable to end the session with a cold shower, which will allow the blood vessels, dilated by the steam, to firm up, this stimulation is very good for the circulation.

Back to the cold room

Once the body and hair are washed, wrapped in cotton cloths, we return to the rest room where we can drink tea or sparkling water. You get dressed and usually leave a tip for the masseur or masseuse. When you leave, your skin is clean and glowing and your body and mind feel lighter.

The benefits of the hammam

The objective of this steam bath is to relax all the muscles of the body, because the hammam is the place of relaxation par excellence, allowing to evacuate the stress and all the accumulated tensions. It is particularly recommended after a physical effort to avoid aches. For people suffering from colds or sinusitis, the humid heat will help them clear their respiratory tract. It also allows to clean the skin in depth and to eliminate toxins. By the way, in some illustrations depicting the Topkapı Palace, you can see the sultan being washed by his favorites.

Today, people still go to hammams, of course to take care of themselves, but also to release the stress of everyday life. Women go with friends or family, rarely alone. In Turkish baths, there is no social marker (and for good reason!), so it is easy to meet people, to engage in conversation. Nowadays, these buildings survive thanks to the tourism and health sector. The hammam, an intense moment of relaxation and purification, remains an institution in Istanbul and throughout Turkey. There are modern and historical hammams for all budgets. The Çağaloğlu hammam, built under Sultan Mahmud I in the 18th century, has seen many stars from Hollywood. Even celebrities want to live this unique experience from their fantasies of the East!