
In 22 years, the old hangars of the railway station have experienced many of the passionate people who have committed themselves to a goal: offer a true cultural location in the valley, open to all audiences and brought by quality programming. A good bet and this Little Theatre has a lot of… charm plus because it has a radiant soul! Throughout the year, different shows are offered, contemporary and eclectic, they bring to the honor theatre creations, of course, but also tales, musical evenings, various events, you will have understood, everything that is part of live shows. An amateur troupe is attached in residence, the Tétralyre, and provides excellent services, both summer and winter. The associations also have a place of expression and for the last four years, at the end of June-early July, a festival of amateur theatre meetings can discover irresistible talents. Carried out by Véronique Strub, the very dynamic president, these troops are doing well to morale and we advise you to enter the station quickly so as not to miss the train that invariably leads to a super evening!

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