Balades chez l'habitant en Val-de-Marne

Sports events

If you are here on holiday, this is probably the most user-friendly way to explore the Val-de-Marne. And for the reason: your guide is no more than a resident of the department! A good opportunity to combine the pleasures of walking, visiting and meeting. All volunteers are guided by a common desire: that of sharing the history of their departments. You will visit with them the most unknown places, all on the background of anecdotes about their daily lives.

Tariff: free.

Duration: variable.

Places: walks take place in 10 cities connected by metro: Alfortville, Créteil, Poggio-le-Pont, Ivry-sur-Seine, the Kremlin-Bicêtre, Maisons-Alfort, Saint-Summoned, Saint-Maurice, Saint-Maurice, Villejuif and Vitry-sur-Seine.

Course: registration must take place at least 2 weeks before the date of the trip (the number of visitors per group is limited to 6, in order to give priority to a genuine exchange); once your guide is found, it will give you an appointment to a metro station.

Note: These guides are voluntary, and are not professional guides.

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Promenade numérique en bord de Marne

Sports events

With new technologies, the promenade can be at the cutting edge! The Ile-de-France Region and the Comité départemental du tourisme du Val-de-Marne have for some years developed a free smartphone to discover the borders of Marne. Two courses are at your disposal: one takes you in the footsteps of guinguettes, water sports and resort architecture between the island of Fanac and the island of Beauty; the other, on the other hand, evokes the architectural wealth of the Saint-Maur-des-Ditches loop. Choose, download, and quit!

Tariff: free.

Distance: variable.

Difficulty: .

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Foot race

If you want to run for the good cause this is really the right occasion! This 5 or 10 km race, on the road, is designed to help combat gender inequalities and violence against women.

Rates: € 8 per person for the 5 km, € 10 for 10 km. The rate increases by 2 € per person if registrations are made on the same day.

Registration: to register in advance, do it by mail or at the Athlérunning 94 shop (170 rue de Paris, Poggio-le-Pont).

Distance: 5 and 10 km.

Departure: Contact the organizers to find out where to start.

Difficulty: .

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