Time difference Crete

As in the rest of Greece, the time in Crete is GMT+2. This means that there is a 1-hour time difference with France (e.g.: if it's 7 a.m. in France, it's 8 a.m. in Crete). The winter and summer time changes take place on the same dates, so this time difference remains in effect all year round.

Opening hours Crete

To see / To do Crete

Museum schedules change at least once a year in Greece! It is therefore advisable to check the websites of museums and archaeological sites before visiting them. In tourist areas, such as Crete, schedules during the high season are usually kept to the minute. This does not apply to the folk art and traditional museums in remote villages: very often the keys to these museums can be found in the homes of local people or in the homes of the town hall!

Enjoying yourself Crete

In season, most of the restaurants, taverns and mezzedopoleia are open from 9am until midnight, and even until the last customers, without interruption: they also serve breakfast, snacks, and brunches. In general, lunch service is from 11:00 am to 5:30 pm and dinner service from 7:00 pm to midnight.

Take a break Crete

They are rarely posted (or reliable), but it is not uncommon for an establishment to open for breakfast and close late at night... In tourist areas, bar and cafe owners have to cover the summer season to survive all year round: they are open every day, from morning to night, and the hours depend on the number of visitors. Some night bars only open from 6-7pm and stay open until the early hours of the morning. Some traditional kafeneio open early in the morning and again around 6pm but close a few hours after lunch. But most of the time, these places are open continuously: in summer, the waiters just wait for the last customer to leave before closing. This flexibility can be extended out of season, especially on weekends, in the establishments that remain open. In Greece, you will never be pressured to leave an establishment or recommended to leave once you have finished your drink. Unless you ask for the bill, you will be left to enjoy it, without necessarily clearing the table. However, it is important to keep your wits about you: if you see that you are the last ones and that the waiters are exhausted, it may be time to leave!

(To) please yourself Crete

Shops and stores are generally open from 9am to 2pm and from 5pm to 9pm. In very touristy areas, shops and souvenir shops remain open between 10am and 11.30pm.

Get out Crete

The nightlife in Crete starts after 10:30 pm and it can last until dawn! As a rule, bars close at 3am, but as the party can start at any time, the closing time often depends on the mood!

According to local habits, during the summer, dinner is never served before 9:30 pm. This is the time when restaurants and taverns start to be crowded. As there is no rush at the table, going out starts at 11:30 pm to midnight, rarely earlier.