Time difference Austria

There is no time difference between France and Austria, either for winter or summer time.

Opening hours Austria

Enjoying yourself Austria

Breakfast is usually served quite late in the morning. Lunch is served from around 12pm until 2:30pm or even 3pm. Dinner can be served as early as 6:30pm. You can order soup at 5pm, which won't shock anyone. But don't arrive at the restaurant at 9pm - you'll leave empty-handed! Restaurants and stores are closed at weekends. At lunchtime, even at peak times, the efficiency of the service remains exemplary.

Get out Austria

Happy hours are commonplace in cities and even in the countryside. Since the end of the Covid-19 pandemic, discotheques and nightclubs have gradually reopened, without having returned to their original opening hours. It's rare to find a jazz club or nightclub open all night! Closing around 2 or 3 a.m., or even 4 a.m., is more common. Opening times have been brought forward accordingly, often as early as 8pm.