Opening hours Belgium

To see / To do Belgium

Be aware that museums close early in Belgium, 6pm at the latest for the most important ones. The same goes for tourist attractions and sites. The closing day is normally Monday, as in France.

Enjoying yourself Belgium

For lunch, restaurants are generally open from noon until 2 or 3 pm, with little continuous service during the day except for snacks. Don't hang around in the evening if you don't want to be hungry all night! The restaurants close very early for the French, and no second service! Kitchens open around 6:30 or 7pm and close around 9:30pm, earlier or later but rarely later than 10pm. In the very big cities, you can find kebabs or brasseries open until midnight, but nothing in the small towns.

Take a break Belgium

As much as restaurants close early, bars close late! In Belgium, we rarely close at 2 a.m., but rather until dawn, as long as there's entertainment! Cafés, on the other hand, close around 6 p.m., but the bars take over until very late - there's no state-imposed closing time like in France.

(To) please yourself Belgium

Stores are often open until 6-6:30 pm, Monday through Saturday. Some shops are open on Sunday in tourist areas.

Get out Belgium

Like some bars, discotheques close at dawn. Theatrical performances and shows, movies or concerts, on the other hand, start early and on time, so be punctual!