Time difference Mayotte

Mayotte is one time zone east of mainland France. This means adding two hours in winter and one hour in summer to Paris time. When it's midday in Paris, it's 2pm in Mamoudzou in winter, and 1pm in summer. Madagascar is in the same time zone as Mayotte. Reunion, Mauritius and the Seychelles are one hour ahead, both in summer and winter.

Opening hours Mayotte

To see / To do Mayotte

In Mayotte, as on the islands in general, we live with the sun so early! The population being in great majority Muslim, the professional life (and thus the opening of the stores, administrations and offices) follows the rhythm of the prayers. People are busy before dawn to prepare breakfast which will be consumed only after the first prayer which takes place at sunrise (between 4 and 6 am depending on the month). Generally, employees leave work around 3 or 4 pm, 5 pm at the latest. So remember to do your shopping during the day and ask about your lunch from 11am so that you don't find yourself in front of empty stalls.

Enjoying yourself Mayotte

Most restaurants only open at lunchtime for workers, especially in Mamoudzou, so always phone ahead if you are going to a remote area. Lunchtime services start early, around 11am, either on the spot or to take away, and there is often not much left after 12.30pm except in the tourist restaurants less frequented by locals. You will notice that at 2pm no one serves you anymore, and the same goes for the evening, try to eat between 6pm and 8pm otherwise you will not have any choice.

Take a break Mayotte

Bakeries, pastry shops and snack bars open early, often around 6 or 7 in the morning, as it is common to have breakfast on the terrace before starting a working day. Consequently, they also close early, around 4 or 5 pm, and very few are open in the evening. Be prepared.

(To) please yourself Mayotte

Shops open early and close early, with the exception of shopping malls, which tend to follow the metropolitan model.

Get out Mayotte

Bars open at 5:30 pm and generally close around 10 pm, the clubs take over. There are not many of them on the island but there are enough to have fun and find an atmosphere that suits you. If the bars are often widely frequented by locals as well as metropolitans settled in Mayotte, the nightclubs are more discreet and intimate. This advice is valid everywhere, but perhaps even more so in Mayotte: girls, avoid going to and leaving nightclubs alone. The roads and parking lots are not very well lit and the night meetings are not always the best.